Tag Archives: summertime

Weekly Update

It’s so hard for me to do anything that takes discipline. At the risk of overcommitting and underdelivering, I’m at least going to try and a blahhhg entry that shares some benign family updates and looks ahead to the week. That way, I hope to get in the habit of capturing regular thoughts, putting them into a blog entry and adding others as God brings them to mind. So, here goes week 1 of our weekly update.

We had a great time as a family going to the Arkansas Traveler’s baseball game on Saturday. Full schedules rarely permit us to do things as a family anymore. We don’t have many days left so we need to be more intentional about making those times a priority. After the game, we enjoyed fireworks over the Arkansas River. Great seats from inside a very nice AAA minor league outdoor ballpark. If you visit us during the summer, we’ll make sure to take you out to the ball game.

Have you ever had one of those projects you envisioned completing over a long day or even a weekend but found yourself weeks later still working on it? I have and do. We’ve had erosion over the past four years and it’s caused our backyard to retain water (no mitol jokes). What started as a relatively simple task of digging a couple of long ditches and digging some holes for drywells has become the project from h… However, all good things must come to an end, and we are nearing the end of phase I of this project. If you want to see how it looks or what I’m referring to CLICK HERE to see some photos. Anyone have a few weekends free for phase II?

Bryan house sat for friends of ours from FamilyLife, worked on some yard projects for a neighbor and is working full time as a maintenance car porter at a nearby Toyota dealer.  Jaclyn just returned from Guatemala and contunually enjoys time with her “homies”.  Erin is working in North Carolina all summer at a KOA camp as part of a Summershine ministry/work program.  She’s working hard and experiencing God in new ways!

Sue and I are holding the fort at home.  We are in the process of throwing our hat into the ring of a new Singles minstry at church.  I’m a little more called than she is but we are looking forward to seeing how God might use us “aged” folk in the lives of these 20-30 somethings.

Finally, we are experiencing God’s goodness and truth daily.  He’s stretching us in new and old ways.  Finances are still an issue for us as we seek His direction for our support.  Our staff balance has diminished to a level where we will get a short paycheck beginning August 1.  We are very content and that has to come from His peace that passes understanding.  Thank you for praying for us!

Until next post….